Rückblick 2017
The logisticians of tomorrow
Dear Young Professionals and Logistics Aficionados,
We are pleased to invite you to the Young Professionals Logistics Luxembourg (YPL2) Supply Chain event on 27th of April 2017.
To celebrate the international Supply Chain day we have put together an exciting program partnering with LuxairCARGO and KPMG with support from the Cluster for Logistics around the theme: The logisticians of tomorrow.
Event #2: Keynote theme the logisticians of tomorrow (04:00 PM)
(First-come first served, 30 places available)
16:00 Registration
16:30 Welcome and Introduction - J. Hesse (Speaker Young Professionals Logistics Luxembourg)
16:40 Keynote - T. Mayer (Global Manufacturing & Logistics Manager, IEE S.A.)
17:20 Technologies & Supply Chain Managers of tomorrow and RPA in a Nutshell - A. Hemricourt (Assistant Manager, KPMG Luxembourg)
18:00 Keynote - T. Lilienfeld (UNI LU - Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
18:40 Networking Cocktail
20:00 End of the second event
Take the opportunity to meet seasoned managers as well as young professionals from your region!
If you wish to attend this event, please make sure to register here!
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us: YPL2@c4l.lu
Stay tuned and follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YPL2network
We hope to see you soon!
Your YPL2 team!
Please be aware that there is no in-house parking available - please make use of the parking possibilities around.
Further, if you are unable to take part at this event after your registration, please kindly inform us. Further participants will be thankful!
04:00PM, 27th April 2017
KPMG Luxembourg, avenue John F. Kennedy, 39 – L-1855 Luxembourg
Schüler, Studierende, Fachpublikum, Allgemeine Öffentlichkeit
16:00 - 20:00 Uhr
(Nur noch wenige Plätze)
- Für die Teilnahme wird ein Ausweis benötigt.
- Jeder Teilnehmer muss mindestens 16 Jahre alt sein.
Young Professionals Logistics Luxembourg @ KPMG LuxembourgBranche
Young Professionals Logistics Luxembourg
Rue Alcide de Gasperi 7
1615 Luxemburg
+352 42 39 39 -848
Cluster for Logistics Luxembourg
KPMG Luxembourg
Avenue John F. Kennedy 39
1855 Luxembourg, Luxemburg

Tag der Logistik
Am europaweiten Tag der Logistik erhält die Öffentlichkeit Einblick in die Vielfalt logistischer Tätigkeiten und Berufsbilder bei Unternehmen aus Industrie, Handel und Dienstleistung sowie Organisationen und Bildungsinstituten.
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