Rückblick 2019
ZAMMLER's Logistics Experience for Z-Generation
ZAMMLER GROUP launches interactive marathon "ZAMMLER'S LOGISTICS EXPERIENCE FOR Z-GENERATION" for students in the general partnership and on the platform of Kyiv National Trade and Economic University.
The marathon includes 3 blocks:
Block 1. Master classes on the basis of KNTEU
21.02. - Introductory topic:
Access to international markets: logistic lafhaks.
Speaker: Katerina Petrochenko
28.02. - Transport logistics: sea, rail and air transport.
Speaker: Irina Stelmakh
14.03. - Transport logistics. Automobile local and international transportations.
Speaker: Alexander Boshkov
Speaker: Vitaliy Volokitkin
March 21 - Customs: customs procedures, peculiarities of customs clearance of goods in export / import regimes. Work of the "Single Window" system.
Speaker: Stanislav Tologny
28.03. - Networking with all the experts of ZAMMER
Block 2. Visiting ZAMMLER
11.04 - Meeting and tour of the warehouse complex, visit the fullfilment center. (Krasylivka village)
Block 3. Interactive - a quest for Kiev, building a route
24.04. - Students selected during the two previous blocks, divided into 2 teams and perform tasks of logistic content. The team that will complete the assignment and finish the first one will be recognized as the winner and awarded with thematic prizes.
Kyiv National Trade and Economic University
Uhrzeit jeweils
13:30 - 15:30 Uhr
(freie Plätze verfügbar)
13:30 - 15:30 Uhr
(freie Plätze verfügbar)
13:30 - 15:30 Uhr
(freie Plätze verfügbar)
09:30 - 18:00 Uhr
(freie Plätze verfügbar)
09:00 - 18:00 Uhr
(freie Plätze verfügbar)
Kyiv National Trade and Economics University
st. Kyoto 19
02156 Kiev, Ukraine

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Am europaweiten Tag der Logistik erhält die Öffentlichkeit Einblick in die Vielfalt logistischer Tätigkeiten und Berufsbilder bei Unternehmen aus Industrie, Handel und Dienstleistung sowie Organisationen und Bildungsinstituten.
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