Review 2018

Become Logistic!


11:00 Opening Speech: Zoltán Balaicz, Mayor of Zalaegerszeg Municipality Presentations: 11:15:  Zoltán Novák, General Electric: The Characteristics of the SAP System  Balázs Sóti, Zalai Közszolgáltató Nonprofit Kft.: The Life Cycle of Waste Materials from their Formation to Recycling  Zoltán Rózsás, Educational and K+F Coordinátor. Autóipari Próbapálya Zala Kft.: The Autonomy of Logistics, or the Self-Driving Vehicle Functions in Forwarding  Tamás Rózsa, VP of Passanger Transportation ÉNYKK: Organising and Operating Regional Passanger Transportation 12:15:  Gyula Bujtor Manager, INTERV KFT: Technical Curiosities of Transportation by Pipelines  Attila Borbély, Hungary and Rumania Sales Manager, Grana SPZOO. : Building up the Hungarian Distribution of a Polish Company  György Firbás, Logistician Expert, Zalaegerszegi Városfejlesztő Zrt.: Building a Multimodal Centre  Gábor Kerekes, Protocol Expert: Being Civilized and European. Modesty, Etiquette, Protocol Other Programmes  Round Table Discussion with Former Students of our School. Moderator: Ágnes Hadászi  „Lorry” and Electric Car Show on the School Yard. (Ka- Pe Transz, E-on, Zalai Közszolgáltató Nonprofit Kft).


Target group

School students, Students, Trade public, General public

10:30 - 13:00 o'clock

(places available)


Zalaegerszeg Vocational Training Center/ István Báthory Secondary School and Vocational School / János Szerdahelyi




Zalaegerszeg Vocational Training Center/ István Báthory Secondary School and Vocational School
Báthory str. 58
8900 Zalaegerszeg

Event venue

Zalaegerszeg Vocational Training Center/ István Báthory Secondary School and Vocational School
Báthory str. 58
8900 Zalaegerszeg, Ungarn [Routenplanung]

Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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