Supply Chain Day 2016 at the University of Economics in Katowice

On 21st April 2016 the Department of Business Logistics at the University of Economics in Katowice in cooperation with Nexteer Automotive Poland Sp. z o.o. and BeLean organized a workshop titled ‘The Methods of Supply Chains’ Problems Solving’. As a part of ‘Supply Chain Day’ it was already second edition of the workshop – the first one was performed in April, a year before.

Ms Anna Ossowska Msc. Econ., a Director of Supply Chain in Nexteer Automotive Poland Sp. z o.o., was a main trainer at the workshop which started at 10.00 a.m. in room 426A. The main aim of the workshop was to provide the participants with practical knowledge about identification of sources and causes of problems which occur in supply chains as well as methods of solving them. The participants were intra and extramural students as well.

The event started with ‘warm-up’ exercises related to real problems which the participants had once to handle with. Next, there was conducted a case study which, at the same time, was an introduction to main part of the workshop. In that part the participants were learning on practical examples how to use such tools as 5W/2H or Ishikawa diagrams. At the next step they were using those tools to analyze by themselves the problems occurring in supply chains. All the exercises were supported by trainer’s expertise and video instructions.    

The meeting was finished at 2.00 p.m. by presentation of workshop attendance certificates. It is worth to emphasize that the workshop was conducted in pleasant atmosphere which was very conductive to participants’ creativity. 

Zur Veranstaltung: Workshop: Applicable methods of solving problems in the Supply Chain

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