BVL International Chapter Bejing - Visit of Wuqing E-Commerce Logistics Park

The BVL International Beijing Chapter organized Logistics Day event in the afternoon of the 10th April 2014. We organized a half day logistics facility tour to the North China Logistics Center of the Jiuxian E-Commerce Co. Ltd. within the Wuqing E-Commerce Logistics Park.

It was a very successful event and 40 people attended the event. There were professionals from manufactures like Siemens, Man Truck & Bus AG and GEA etc., logistics companies, and also professors and students. is one of the largest and leading wine e-commerce service companies in China. The participants of the tour got a close look at the e-commerce warehousing facilities and management on site, and discussed lots of interesting issues with the representatives from Jiuxian Company and the other participants. They also got general understanding of the development and potential of e-commerce logistic with the informative presentation from the E-Commerce Logistics Park Wuqing.

Many participants highly valued our events and expressed the wishes to attend more events like this in the future.

Reporter: Jean Wang – Chair Person of BVL Beijing Chapter

Event: Visit of Wuqing E-Commerce Logistics Park

Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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