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The countdown is on!
On April 10th, 2025, Germany's third-largest economic sector will once again show that logistics is more than sprinters parked in the second row, problems with the parcel delivery company or supply bottlenecks for toilet paper.
For the 18th time, companies, organisations and institutes open their doors to the public - on site and online - and demonstrated how versatile and efficient logistics is.
Free company tours, business games, lectures, webinars and much more give interested parties the opportunity to experience logistics live.
From October 2024, companies can post events and interested parties can register for them.
Supply Chain Day
Most people associate logistics with the transport of goods. But logistics is so much more than transporting things from A to B!
Among other things, the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) launched Supply Chain Day in 2008 to bring the diversity of logistics closer to the public.
Since then, companies, organisations and institutes have opened their doors to the public on Supply Chain Day - both on site and online - and for one day - in keeping with the motto "Experience logistics live" - provide insights into the exciting tasks and diverse job profiles of logistics.
With 151 participating companies, organisations and institutes from 8 countries, 129 events and around 3,450 participants, Supply Chain Day 2024 was a complete success.
Initiators are the communication agencies mainblick and teamtosse with the support of the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL), the initiative "Die Wirtschaftsmacher" and many other initiatives and associations.