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The countdown is on!

On April 10th, 2025, Germany's third-largest economic sector once again showed that logistics is more than sprinters parked in the second row, problems with the parcel delivery company or supply bottlenecks for toilet paper.

For the 18th time, companies, organisations and institutes opened their doors to the public - on site and online - and demonstrated how versatile and efficient logistics is.

Free company tours, business games, lectures, webinars and much more gave interested parties the opportunity to experience logistics live.

From October 2024, companies can post events and interested parties can register for them.

"I think it`s great every year on Supply Chain Day over a hundred companies open their doors to school classes and interested citizens and show what’s behind one of the largest economic sectors in Germany. In This way, we learn about the complex processes that influence our everyday lives and move our country in the truest sense of the world.“

Our Patron of Supply Chain Day 2024 – Oliver Luksic, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Digital Affairs and Transport

Schirmherr Oliver Luksic, Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär im BMDV

"The economic sector of logistics offers enormous professional diversity and very good opportunities for advancement. The tasks are much more exciting than they appear at first glance - it's good that on Supply Chain Day there is the opportunity to get first-hand information from the companies on site!"

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Wimmer, Chairman of the BVL Board (Bundesvereinigung Logistik)

 "The shortage of skilled workers is real - and will become even more severe by 2033, when more than 7 million people are expected to retire in Germany. We can only meet this challenge as a community of solidarity, and not every company for itself. In our view, Supply Chain Day sends out an important signal. It reminds us of what logistics also does every day, for our lives and our prosperity."

Frauke Heistermann, Spokeswoman of the initiative „Die Wirtschaftsmacher“

Supply Chain Day

Most people associate logistics with the transport of goods. But logistics is so much more than transporting things from A to B!

Among other things, the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) launched Supply Chain Day in 2008 to bring the diversity of logistics closer to the public.

Since then, companies, organisations and institutes have opened their doors to the public on Supply Chain Day - both on site and online - and for one day - in keeping with the motto "Experience logistics live" - provide insights into the exciting tasks and diverse job profiles of logistics.

With 151 participating companies, organisations and institutes from 8 countries, 129 events and around 3,450 participants, Supply Chain Day 2024 was a complete success.

Initiators are the communication agencies mainblick and teamtosse with the support of the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL), the initiative "Die Wirtschaftsmacher" and the Deutscher Städte- und Gemeindebund (DStGB).



Supply Chain Day 2023: Summary of all figures and highlights

Long prepared and now already over: Supply Chain Day on April 20th was a complete success. Let's take a brief look back at the highlights and mark your calendars for April 18th, 2024! That's when the ...



Special guest at the Logistics Lunch: Influencer Rene Schmock

Rene Schmock is a 31-year-old content creator from Göttingen. He is best known for his TikTok videos on his channel @reneschmock, where he is now followed by over 3 million people. This makes him one ...



Supply Chain Day on April 20th, 2023: Event overview and info on program highlights

The time has come: 155 events have been prepared and announced. The talk program for the central event "Logistics Lunch" is ready. This year, everything will revolve around the topic of "shortage of ...



Oliver Luksic takes on the patronage of Supply Chain Day 2023

Oliver Luksic, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport, takes on the patronage of this year's Supply Chain Day. Since the beginning of 2022, Luksic is ...



Die Wirtschaftsmacher and Day of Logistics against employee-shortage

For "Die Wirtschaftsmacher", the shortage of skilled workers has been one of the most important core issues for years. And in view of the acute situation, the logistics initiative has prioritized this ...



Supply Chain Day Publish your event now!

Although there is still a litte time until Supply Chain Day on 20 April 2023 – you can alreadeady puplish your events now. It´s easy with our video tutorial…   For all those who do not yet ...



AHOI – Port of Trier at Supply Chain Day 2023

On 20 April 2023, companies, trade, industry, universities and institutions in the logistics sector will open their doors to give the general public an understanding of the importance oft he ...



Strong increase in the shortzage of skilled workers

A study by the Kompetenzzentrum Fachkräftesicherung (KOFA) shows that the shortage of skilled workers in Germany has worsened in the past year.Logistics is also suffering from the lack of skilled ...



This is why the Cycling Logistics Association supports the Logistics Day

Three questions for Dr.-Ing. Tom Assmann, Chairman oft he German Cycle Logistics Association.   Why does the German Cycle Logistics Association support Supply Chain Day? Dr..Ing. Tom Assmann: From ...



Logistics shows what moves them

21 April 2022 is „Supply Chain Day“. Germany´s third-largest economic sector will then once again open ist doors to the general public and demonstrate the diverse tasks it assumes for economy and ...


News overview

Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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