What is Supply Chain Day?

Supply Chain Day is a pan-European day of action with companies from industry, trade and the logistics services sector allowing the public to gain an insight into the diversity of logistics and supply chain management activities and inform people about the career options in this sector. Logistics institutes present their research projects and educational establishments showcase their courses and curricula. Supply Chain Day is a non-profit event.

When does Supply Chain Day take place?

Supply Chain Day takes place every third Thursday in April. The date may change due to public holidays or holiday periods. The events start at different times.

Where does Supply Chain Day take place?

Supply Chain Day is a pan-European, decentralized day of action and it takes place at companies, organisations and institutes that are involved as event organisers. Please find the entire list of events here.

Who organises Supply Chain Day?

Supply Chain Day was initiated by the Bundesvereinigung für Logistik (BVL) in 2008. Since 2021, it has been coordinated by the communications agencies mainblick and teamtosse. However, it is organised by all companies, organisations and institutes that are involved in this day.

Who can participate in the events on Supply Chain Day?

Anyone who would like to know more about this exciting economic sector can register to take part in the events on Supply Chain Day. Individual events may be tailored to a specific audience (e.g. pupils or students). Details can be found on the individual event pages.

How can one participate in the events on Supply Chain Day?

As a participant, you choose the events you would like to attend from the list of events. You can then register - as an individual person or as a group - simply by clicking on the button below the event profile and will then receive an e-mail confirmation. Please note that your registration is binding. If you are unable to attend the event after all, please cancel your registration via the link at the bottom of the e-mail confirmation. Some events can also be attended without registration; these events are labelled accordingly.

How much does it cost to participate in the events on Supply Chain Day?

The events are free of charge for participants. However, registration is required beforehand for some events.

Who can organise events on Supply Chain Day?

Events can be organised by all companies, organisations or institutes active in the field of logistics.

How can one become event organiser on Supply Chain Day?

As an event organiser, you should first decide what kind of event is suitable for your purposes. This might be a tour of the plant, an exhibition, an expert presentation, a business simulation game or something completely different.
It is important that your event is in line with the spirit of Supply Chain Day (see also What is Supply Chain Day?). Then you register your event via the online registration form so that it can be published on this website and available for online registration for potential participants. You will receive the registrations - as well as any cancellations - in the form of an e-mail to the e-mail address you entered during the registration process.

How much does it cost to become event organiser on Supply Chain Day?

As an event organiser, the costs depend on what type of event you decide to stage and how many participants you want to admit. Admission fees may not be charged from participants - Supply Chain Day is a non-profit event, and all events should be free of charge for anyone who wants to participate.
In return for your involvement you will benefit from (among other things) positive press coverage, a greater awareness in your region and improved prospects when looking for skilled workers.
You can also strenghten your image and make an important contribution to raising public awareness of the diversity of logistics and its importance for the economy and society. 

I would like to take part in Supply Chain Day as an event organiser. Who organises my event?

You organise your own event on Supply Chain Day. If you need advice on what kind of engagement might be suitable for you, please feel free to contact us; we would be happy to give you some advice.

I am involved in Supply Chain Day as an event organiser. How can potential participants find out about my involvement?

This happens in various ways.

  • The communication agencies as coordinators of the day of action and operators of this website are responsible for the overall press work and marketing for the Supply Chain Day and for this website.
    In addition to trade media, regional and national daily newspapers in German-speaking countries are addressed. This website is also well-positioned in the rankings of search engines and therefore easy to find.
  • You should additionally inform your local media and press contacts about your event. For this purpose, we can provide you with text modules on request, which you can expand with your own information.
    The promotion of your event on your own company website - e.g. under the heading "news" or directly on the homepage - also increases visibility for potential participants.
    This website provides organisers with pre-designed banners in HTML format which you can easily integrate in your website, visuals for web and print as well as a style guide. Please find them here.
    In addition, you can also register your event on relevant portals and online event directories as well as local event magazines (which often maintain an online presence). Free online press portals are also an excellent way of publishing information about your event on the Internet.
  • In addition, use your event to personally invite your customers and business partners to present your range of services to them.
    You can also offer your employees in other departments an opportunity to take a look behind the logistics scenes. This enables a mutual exchange of experience and information and strenghtens cohesion within the company.
    If you maintain contacts to schools and universities, it is also worth approaching these contacts directly and inviting pupils and students to your event.

How can I manage the registrations and information for my event?

When registering your event on this website, you specify access data that you can use to log in so that you can manage and edit the information on your event. During the registration process, you can stipulate a maximum number of participants. You can also see how many people have registered for your event. In addition, you will receive an e-mail sent to the address you specified during registration for every registration or cancellation.

Due to safety requirements, I need detailed data of the participants at my event in advance. How can I obtain this data?

The registration form gives you the option of requesting date of birth and ID details of your participants when they register for the event. You can select this additional function when registering for your event. Participants will then only be able to register for your event if they enter the required details.

Why does my event not appear in the event map although I have entered the full address of my event venue? 

Addresses cannot be displayed in the event map if it is not possible to clearly assign the address. In the case of from-to house numbers, for example, you many only enter one number - otherwise the address cannot be displayed via Google Maps.


You haven't found an answer to your question? Please contact us for further information! 

Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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