Logistics Technology in the New Era of “Internet +”

BVL Beijing Chapter organized Logistics Day event in the afternoon of the 16th April 2015. We organized a half day seminar, with cooperation with German Chamber of Commerce, Beijing Wuzi University and Soo56. 

It was a very successful event and 60 people attended the event.  There are professionals from manufactures like Claas, Lufthansa Cargo and Deutsch Telekom AG etc., logistics companies, and also professors and students. 

Apart from presentation from German company like Lufthansa Cargo, there was also Chinese consultant shared his presentation “German Companies' Opportunities in Chinese Logistics Optimization”. An exchange student from Germany introduced his daily life in the Wuzi University. We also shared the latest Chinese logistics technology award result. In the end we also organized the Panel Discussion. The topic was E-Commerce Logistics in the Era of Internet Plus. The guests introduced how they strived to improve themselves to fit the logistics demand of the new ear of “Internet +” and their achievements

Many participants highly evaluated our events and expressed the wishes to attend more events like this in the future.

Event: Logistics Technology in the New Era of “Internet +”

Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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