Logistics at an automotive supplier – IEE Echternach takes part in the Supply Chain Day

Luxembourg April 22nd, 2016 – As a global company, logistics is a key part of day-to-day business for Luxembourg-based sensing specialist IEE. That’s why they were once again pleased to take part in the ‘Supply Chain Day’ organized by BVL International (the German Logistics Association).

Taking place on Thursday 21st April 2016, the Supply Chain Day gave IEE the opportunity to give students, school children, teachers and the family members of IEE employees a behind the scenes look and how the global company manages its logistics.

“For many people, logistics is all about trucks, trains, or ships delivering cargo from points A to point B,” says Thomas Mayer, IEE’s Director Global Manufacturing and Logistics. “But while this is part of it, the logistics branch is about so much more."

“Making sure that the right goods and equipment are in the right place at the right time needs an entire team of people, each with a specific job to do to make sure the whole supply chain works,” he says.

“By taking part in the Supply Chain Day and opening the doors to our Echternach site, we had the opportunity to show how complex, diverse, and rewarding production logistics can really be.”

But for the 50 attendees, the day was about more than just observation.

“We wanted to show the attendees what logistics at an automotive supplier means for IEE,” says Mr. Mayer. “That included how important it is for our day-to-day business, what our Supply Chain Team does, and how each of the individual logistics tasks fits together. But we didn’t want to just show them what we do – we also wanted them to be able to experience it for themselves. So everyone had the chance to see how good their own logistic skills are by taking part in our supply chain activity – the duck game.

“As in the previous two years, the day was a great success with a lot of positive feedback,” he says. “It was really great to see the interest and enthusiasm of our visitors. Hopefully a number of them will seriously consider a career in the logistics area.”

IEE S.A. • ZAE Weiergewan • 11, rue Edmond Reuter • L-5326 Contern • Luxembourg • www.iee.lu

Event: Logistik beim Automobilzulieferer

Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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