Study visit of students of our University and pupils from Józef Tischner High School in Żory in Nexteer, Tychy

On 27th April 2017, students of two faculties: The Faculty of Management and The Faculty of Economics (majors: Logistics, Business Analytics and International Economic Relations) took part in a study visit in Nexteer company in Tychy. The visit has been related to the celebration of the Supply Chain Day.

This year for the third time University of Economics in Katowice joined the celebration of the event, in cooperation with Nexteer company. Students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the company's business, visiting production lines (shop floor operations) and warehouses. In addition, they held meetings and mini workshop with company employees who deal with planning business activities, logistics and the introduction of lean management principles at the Tychy plant. During visiting the company, students had the opportunity to confront their theoretical knowledge with the practical aspects of the functioning of the company.

The day before, on 26 April, also within the framework of the celebration of the Supply Chain Day, other study visit was held. This time a group of pupils from Józef Tischner High School in Żory (technical classes) visited the Nexteer plant in Gliwice (the School is under the auspices of the University of Economics in Katowice). Pupils were able to see during their visit and meetings, that good organization of activities gives the company a competitive advantage. Learning and continuous development of skills are important, as well.

During both visits, students and pupils could be able to see that the theoretical (general) principles can be applied in practice and could bring benefits for the company. We hope that these experiences will motivate participants to expand their knowledge, skills and they will achieve right level of motivation.

We want to thank Nexteer company and its employees, particularly Ms. Anna Ossowska, Supply Chain Manager Nexteer Poland, as well as a member of the Logistics Program Board at the Faculty of Management, for the invitation of students and pupils, caring and mentorship during both study visits. We would like also to thank Dean of the Faculty of Management Prof. Krystyna Jędralska, Ph.D. and Dean of the Faculty of Economics Prof. Celina Olszak, Ph.D. and Dean's Offices staff for supporting.

The main organizer of the Supply Chain Day on behalf of the University of Economics in Katowice was the Department of Business Logistics. Coordinators of the event: Piotr Hanus, Ph.D, Krzysztof Niestrój, Ph.D. Supervision over the study visit: Piotr Hanus Ph.D., and Grzegorz Krawczyk, MSc.

We invite to see the photo gallery of the event.

Event: The study visit and lean workshop in Nexteer Automotive Poland in Tychy

Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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