Supply Chain Day 2018 - a visit in Federal-Mogul

On April 19, 2018, a study visit was held at the Federal-Mogul Bimet SA factory in Gdańsk as a part of the international Supply Chain Day 2018 event. The visit was organized by the Logistics Students Association of the University of Gdańsk (NKL UG).

The visit began with a presentation of the company's characteristics and activities carried out by the Gdańsk factory. Then students had the opportunity to see the factory, including production department, laboratory and finished goods warehouse, and to observe practical applications of many logistic and quality management concepts, such as lean management, 5S, kanban.

We want to thank very much Federal-Mogul Bimet SA for the friendly welcome of UG students!

For the third time, the University of Gdańsk joined the Supply Chain Day initiative. Only 3 universities from Poland took part in this year's edition. About 35,000 participants from 23 countries took part in Supply Chain Day 2018.

Event: Logistics in practice - an example of Federal-Mogul Bimet SA

Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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