Tolle Einblicke am Tag der Logistik - Lufthansa Cargo begeisterte mit geführten Touren

Die Logistik ist mit mehr als drei Millionen Beschäftigten und einem Umsatz von 263 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2017 der drittgrößte Wirtschaftsbereich Deutschlands. Dennoch ist ein Großteil der Logistik für die breite Öffentlichkeit unsichtbar. Der von der Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e.V. initiierte Tag der Logistik am 11. April soll die spannenden Seiten und die Vielseitigkeit des Wirtschaftsbereiches für alle interessierten Menschen erlebbar machen. Lufthansa Cargo beteiligte sich am gestrigen Tag der Logistik mit mehreren Touren, die Interessierte buchen konnten, um einmal hinter die Kulissen bei Lufthansa Cargo zu blicken. Die insgesamt 35 logistikbegeisterten Teilnehmern bekamen die Möglichkeit, den Weg einer Frachtsendung von der Anlieferung, über die Palettierung bis hin zur Flugzeug Ent- und Beladung zu verfolgen. In jeder der vier Touren haben die Cargo Scouts zahlreiche Fragen der Interessierten beantwortet. In der Exportannahme konnten live die Anlieferung von Sendungen und der Einsatz des Volumenscanners sowie X-Rays beobachtet werden. Beim Palettieren und Container-Befüllen hat sich anschließend gezeigt, wie unterschiedlich die Frachtstruktur ist. Die aufmerksamen Gruppen entdeckten beispielsweise einen palettierten Audi e-tronic und ein Flugzeug Triebwerk. An der Palette untersuchten sie, wie so schwere Stücke verzurrt werden müssen. Auf der Waage angekommen, wo auf die Bedeutung des Gewichts je Paletten Position im Frachter hingewiesen wurde, durfte auch das Gruppengewicht erfasst werden. „Schade, dass man nicht alle Kisten auf ein Fließband legen und von dort aus direkt Palettieren oder auch einfach alle Kisten ins Flugzeug legen und dort befestigen kann“, resümierte ein DB Cargo Vertreter seine Eindrücke über den Arbeitsaufwand im Handling, bevor er die Sicherheitskontrolle zum Vorfeld passierte. Drei der vier Gruppen kamen zum Abschluss der Touren in den Genuss, direkt in einen der Inbound Frachter einzusteigen und einen Blick in den Frachtraum sowie ins Cockpit zu werfen. Zurück am Tor 25 verabschiedeten sich die Teilnehmer trotz des eisigen Winds auf dem Vorfeld mit strahlenden Augen: „Danke für die tolle Chance, Luftfracht live zu erleben!“

Great Insights on Logistics Day
Lufthansa Cargo Inspires with Guided Tours
With more than three million employees and a turnover of 263 billion euros in 2017, logistics is the third largest economic sector in Germany. Nevertheless, a large part of logistics is invisible to the general public. The Logistics Day on 11 April, initiated by the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e.V. (German Logistics Association), is intended to make the exciting aspects and versatility of the economic sector tangible for all interested people. Lufthansa Cargo took part in yesterday's Logistics Day with several tours that interested parties could book to take a look behind the scenes at Lufthansa Cargo.
A total of 35 logistics enthusiasts were given the opportunity to follow the route of a freight consignment from delivery to palletizing to aircraft unloading and loading. In each of the four tours, the cargo scouts answered numerous questions from interested participants.
In the export acceptance area, the delivery of consignments and the use of the volume scanner and X-Rays could be observed live. During palletizing and container filling, it was subsequently demonstrated how different the freight structure is. The attentive groups discovered, for example, a palletized Audi e-tronic and an aircraft engine. On the pallet, they investigated how such heavy items had to be lashed. When they arrived at the scale, where the significance of the weight per pallet position in the freighter was pointed out, the group weight could also be recorded.
"It's a pity that you can't put all the crates on an assembly line and palletise them directly from there or simply put all the crates in the aircraft and fasten them there," a DB Cargo representative summed up his impressions of the work involved in handling before passing through the security check to the apron.
At the end of the tours, three of the four groups enjoyed boarding one of the inbound freighters directly and taking a look into the cargo hold and cockpit. Back at gate 25, despite the icy wind on the apron, the participants said goodbye with beaming eyes: "Thank you for the great opportunity to experience air freight live!

Great Insights on Logistics Day

Lufthansa Cargo Inspires with Guided Tours

With more than three million employees and a turnover of 263 billion euros in 2017, logistics is the third largest economic sector in Germany. Nevertheless, a large part of logistics is invisible to the general public. The Logistics Day on 11 April, initiated by the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) e.V. (German Logistics Association), is intended to make the exciting aspects and versatility of the economic sector tangible for all interested people. Lufthansa Cargo took part in yesterday's Logistics Day with several tours that interested parties could book to take a look behind the scenes at Lufthansa Cargo.

A total of 35 logistics enthusiasts were given the opportunity to follow the route of a freight consignment from delivery to palletizing to aircraft unloading and loading. In each of the four tours, the cargo scouts answered numerous questions from interested participants.

In the export acceptance area, the delivery of consignments and the use of the volume scanner and X-Rays could be observed live. During palletizing and container filling, it was subsequently demonstrated how different the freight structure is. The attentive groups discovered, for example, a palletized Audi e-tronic and an aircraft engine. On the pallet, they investigated how such heavy items had to be lashed. When they arrived at the scale, where the significance of the weight per pallet position in the freighter was pointed out, the group weight could also be recorded.

"It's a pity that you can't put all the crates on an assembly line and palletise them directly from there or simply put all the crates in the aircraft and fasten them there," a DB Cargo representative summed up his impressions of the work involved in handling before passing through the security check to the apron.

At the end of the tours, three of the four groups enjoyed boarding one of the inbound freighters directly and taking a look into the cargo hold and cockpit. Back at gate 25, despite the icy wind on the apron, the participants said goodbye with beaming eyes: "Thank you for the great opportunity to experience air freight live!

Event: Enabling Global Business

Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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