Review 2018

Official launch of the digital letter of carriage (e-CMR) in Luxembourg


The signing of the first e-CMR contract between Arthur Welter, LuxairCARGO and Cargolux marks the launch of the e-CMR test phase in Luxembourg.
This event is on INVITATION ONLY and for members of the PRESS.
In order to gain access to the airport please bring valid ID.
13.00 – 13.15 Arrival of participants and press
13.15- 13.30 Parallel signature of the first e-cmr in Luxembourg by companies Arthur Welter, Luxair and Cargolux
13.30-13.40 Speech by Mister Camille Gira, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure
13.40-13.50 Speech by representative of Arthur Welter
13.50-14.00 Speech by representative of LuxairCARGO/Cargolux
14.00 End of event and Group photo


Target group

Trade public

13:00 - 14:30 o'clock

(Fully booked)

  • Passport required.


Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, Luxembourg


Logistics Services/Consultancy


Cluster for Logistics, Luxembourg

Event venue

Findel Aircargo Center
Aéroport de Luxembourg lux-airport
1110 Luxembourg, Luxemburg [Routenplanung]

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On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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