Supply Chain Day 2025

Supply Chain Day in University of Economics in Katowice


On April 15, 2021, as many as two events will take place as part of the celebration of the Supply Chain Day at University of Economics in Katowice. The main organizer of the Supply Chain Day on behalf of the University of Economics in Katowice is the Department of Business Logistics. The activities are coordinated by Piotr Hanus Ph.D., Krzysztof Niestrój Prof., Gabriela Hanus Ph.D., Monika Kamińska M.Sc.. The Supply Chain Day at our University is organized for the tenth time. Our University was the first centre in Poland to be involved in the organization of this event.
First of the events is workshop "Professional "Speed Dating" with us! Because we love logistics!" with: FORVIA (Faurecia) Automotive, Motorola Solutions, NEXTEER Automotive, WATLOW , MOPS Bielsko-Biała and KUŹNIA TRANS. It is a method of establishing interpersonal contacts of a logistical nature, consisting of sessions of short talks (time-limited by the organiser) and selection by the participants of people (experts) with whom they would like to contact during the session.
Second of the events is workshop with the FlexSim InterMarium Sp. z o.o. The main subject of the workshop is related to professional simulations in the field of logistics and business operations, executing a mini-simulation (a short example) and the usage of simulations in teaching and thesis writing processes.


1) Detailed plan of the "Professional "Speed Dating*" with us! Because we love logistics!" workshop (*It is a method of establishing interpersonal contacts of a logistical nature, consisting of sessions of short talks (time-limited by the organiser) and selection by the participants of people (experts) with whom they would like to contact during the session):
- Join us for a unique and special edition of Supply Chain Day at the University of Economics. Come and talk to professionals in the broad field of logistics and supply chain. Find out how you can shape your career path, what employers' expectations are in different industries, how to develop your soft skills and why they are important in the logistics profession. The meeting has a mentoring character.
- Format of the meeting. Open Q&A format with individual short talk sessions under the format of student mentoring and reverse mentoring. One-to-one talks from areas selected by students (career paths, competencies, soft topics, others).
Access to experts in areas such as Lean/Continuous Improvement in Logistics, Shipping, Planning, Forecasting, ERP, Purchasing.
- Agenda. 1) Welcome and introduction of guests. 2) Introduction to the principles of professional ‘speed dating’. 3) 1:1 mentoring sessions. 4) Q&A session . 5) Summary of the day with collection of best insights. 6) Conclusion.
- Leader od workshop. Anna Ossowska, MSc - Divisional Operations PC&L (Production Control &Logistics) Manager, FORVIA Faurecia AUTOMOTIVE. Experts: Kinga Piech, Motorola Solutions, System Business Operations Senior Manager. Piotr Kupiński, NEXTEER Automotive, PC&L Improvement Manager, EMEASA. Przemysław Kur, WATLOW, Sourcing Manager. Agnieszka Moroń, MOPS Bielsko-Biała, Director of the Municipal Social Assistance Centre.

2) Detailed plan of the "Introduction to process simulation (including logistics) in FlexSim" workshop.
Meeting agenda
1) What is process simulation? 2) What is the job of a Process Simulation Engineer? 3) Presentation of two examples of models (logistics and industrial). 4) Possibilities of using FlexSim for thesis and dissertation writing. 5) New functions of FlexSim. 6) Workshop on creating simulation models (after a 10-minute break).
Hosted by
Dawid Dąbal, President of the Management Board of InterMarium Sp. z o.o



Meeting point

Bogucicka 3 and 5, Buildings A and CNTI

Target group

School students, Students, Trade public, General public

09:30 - 12:30 o'clock

(places available)

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University of Economics in Katowice




Piotr Hanus, Krzysztof Niestrój, Gabriela Hanus, Monika Kamińska
ul. 1 Maja 50
40-28 Katowice
+48 32 257 70 00,,,,

Event venue

University of Economics in Katowice
ul. 1 Maja 50
40-287 Katowice, Polen [Routenplanung]

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Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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