Logistics shows what moves them

Einblicke in die Logistik (c) Tag der Logistik

21 April 2022 is „Supply Chain Day“. Germany´s third-largest economic sector will then once again open ist doors to the general public and demonstrate the diverse tasks it assumes for economy and society. Free registration for organisers and participians is already open.

Logistics opens its doors. On „Supply Chain Day“ on 21 April 2022, interested parties will once again have the oppurtunity to get an on-site-impressions of specific functions and proecesses in production companies and at logistiics service providers. The nationwide day of action, initiated by the German Logistics Association (BVL) in 2008, will then take place fort he 15th time.

Germany´s third largest econmic sector offers exciting, challenging and meaningful activities in many fields. The „Logistics Day“ is an oppurtunity for companies, organisations and isntitutes to demonstrate the incredible variety of tasks as well as job and career prospects and thus to get people interested in logistics and to ensure greater acceptance of the economic sector in the long term.

In order to use the opportunity for image, it is important for companies and organisations to set up an approciate event offer and make widely known. This can be done live on site or in digital form through webinars, video conferences, live streams, vlogs, blogs and much more. In addition, companies can intensify their websites or be active in attention to logistics with campaigns on their websites or be active in social media. In this way, the topics oft the logistic business sector are presented to the publlic together.

All those interested in learning more about this exciting economic sector can choose their preferred events from the current programme. Click on the event title for more information and to register. If you have not yet found what you are looking for, it is worth taking a regular look at the programme of events. New events can be addred daily.

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Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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