Oliver Luksic takes on the patronage of Supply Chain Day 2023


Oliver Luksic, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport, takes on the patronage of this year's Supply Chain Day. Since the beginning of 2022, Luksic is also the Federal Government's coordinator for freight transport and logistics.

Oliver Luksic was already part of the Supply Chain Day in 2022. As a guest at the official press conference, the Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport and Federal Government Coordinator for Freight Transport and Logistics spoke with us about the topics of skilled workers, education, digitalization, climate protection and e-mobility. The effects of the incipient war in Ukraine were also a topic. We are pleased that Oliver Luksic is supporting Supply Chain Day again this year and that we are able to welcome him as official patron. 

Asked about his commitment to the 16th action day of Germany's third-largest economic sector, Oliver Luksic replied: "I think it's great that every year on Supply Chain Day over a hundred companies open their doors to school classes and interested citizens and show what's behind one of the largest economic sectors in Germany. In this way, we get to know the complex processes that influence our everyday lives on a daily basis and move our country in the truest sense of the word."

Luksic encourages visitors, "Supply Chain Day offers the opportunity to gain insights into the exciting professional world of logistics. Take advantage of the opportunity and look behind the scenes of the logistics industry!" Oliver Luksic himself will use Supply Chain Day on April 20th, 2023, for a port internship at the Port of Trier. Accompanied by members of the press, he will learn about the latest expansions and optimizations to the performance of the port's multimodal terminal and find out about the port team's involvement in the IHATEC II and SINLOG research projects for better and more sustainable integration of German inland ports into intermodal supply chains.


About Oliver Luksic:

In federal politics, Oliver Luksic held offices in transport policy from the very beginning: In the 2009 federal election, Oliver Luksic was elected to the German Bundestag via the state list of the Saar FDP. There he was a full member of the Committee on European Union Affairs and the Committee on Transport, Building and Urban Affairs. Since May 23rd, 2012, Oliver Luksic has also been the transport policy spokesman for the FDP parliamentary group in the Bundestag.

In the 19th German Bundestag (October 2017 to October 2021), Luksic was a full member of the Committee on Transport and Digital Infrastructure and was a deputy member of the Budget Committee. Once again, he accompanied the function of transport policy spokesman in his parliamentary group.

Since December 8th, 2021, he has been Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of Digital Affairs and Transport, Volker Wissing. Since January 12th, 2022, he is also the federal government's coordinator for freight transport and logistics at the suggestion of Federal Minister Wissing.

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Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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