Andreas Schmid Group

Andreas Schmid Group opens its doors to students

Combining theory with practice while still studying – this was the approach taken by the Andreas Schmid Group when it took part in the Supply Chain Day 2024. The company opened its doors to students and gave them an insight into the day-to-day work of a medium-sized logistics company as well as the topics of corporate management and leadership. During a look behind the scenes of the logistics warehouses, the students learnt about innovative logistics solutions in practice.



Andreas Schmid Group
Andreas-Schmid-Straße 1
86368 Gersthofen

Contact Katharina Hankl


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Statement from Alessandro Cacciola, CEO Andreas Schmid Group

"Supply Chain Day is a wonderful initiative that raises awareness of the importance of logistics in society throughout Germany. With our event, we were able to give 60 students from the region an insight into everyday logistics life and show them the diverse career opportunities in this exciting environment. We are already looking forward to next year!"


Guided tour of the warehouse

Video zum Thema Guided tour of the warehouse

Supply Chain Day

On the pan-European Supply Chain Day, the public gets an insight into the variety of logistics tasks and careers in companies from industry, trade and services as well as organisations and educational institutes.

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